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Sarah C Yoga Group

Public·64 members
Jin Watkins
Jin Watkins

Hello all! As part of my fitness journey, I found testosterone cypionate Has any of you ever used it? I have come across articles than bulking and increasing energy levels is something achievable using this steroid but I am not very convinced that it’s what I need. I’d appreciate any tips or experiences! Thanks a lot!

Martin Harris
Martin Harris

According to my earlier, reliable sources, I have come across this thread, and I am excited! I have also been thinking to begin testosterone therapy but something has been holding me back. Jin, I see where you are coming from and thank you Rick for what you said! Apparently, How Many Reports on the Effects of Testosterone Cypionate Treatment for Men are quite common, and it is always nice to hear what people think about them. I am also interested in the quantity as well as the period of time before effectiveness is apparent in the user. Let’s make this conversation longer; I want to hear more and possibly tell about our experiences as well!



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